Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Juice Processing And Additives That You Don't Want To Consume
Mangosteen juice drinks are pasteurized to prevent the juice from deteriorating and becoming rancid before the bottle is opened and consumed(1*). But once you understand the absolute truth about the processing and additives the mangosteen juice must go through, you may think twice about consuming it.
Flash pasteurization is heating the mangosteen juice for approximately 15–30 seconds and then immediately cooling it(2*). By only briefly subjecting the mangosteen juice to high temperatures, most -- but not all -- taste and color changes are avoided. Flash pasteurization is preferred to other methods because it kills most microbes and destroys only some of the beneficial phytonutrients in mangosteen juice(3*).
When Natural Home Cures conducted studies through an independent research lab in Calgary, Alberta, between the mangosteen juice and dry powder form, the following results were found.
Diabetics: Mangosteen juice is very rich in natural and man-made added sugars. These sugars can have an adverse reaction on those who have diabetes and taking diabetic medication. People with diabetes should use extreme caution when consuming mangosteen juice.
Mangosteen juice also blocks the effects of the body’s naturally produced histamines(4*). These are essential because they increase blood flow to injured or externally invaded body parts. Suppression of histamines can cause a significant disruption in primary metabolic responses, and therefore, caution should be used when consuming mangosteen juice.
Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen showed no adverse reactions in our study.
Greedy suppliers, brokers, and manufacturers frequently stretch small amounts of genuine mangosteen extract or powder to make dozens or even hundreds of liters of finished mangosteen juice: reaping substantial and often obscene profits. The taste of the mangosteen juice you experience could be due to other fruit juices, citric acid, sodium benzoate, and artificial flavors added during the manufacturing process of the mangosteen juice.
Source References
(1) Wikipedia: Food Preservation
(2) Wikipedia: Flash Pasteurization
(3) How Stuff Works: Methods of Pasteurization
(4) Natural Ways: Nutritional Support for Allergies