Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Help For Combating Shingles Attacks
Names can be deceiving - who would have thought that "shingles" pertains to a chickenpox-like disease known as "herpes zoster"?
Shingles (herpes zoster) is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, varicella-zoster(1*). When a person contracts chickenpox, the virus does not entirely leave them(2*). Instead, it stays dormant for many years until it finds an opportunity to re-attack and reappear as shingles(3*). Not all people who have had chickenpox in the past will develop shingles later in their lives, but it often happens to immunocompromised individuals(4*). Those who have never had chickenpox have no worries about developing the herpes zoster(5*).
Causes & Predisposing Factors
Fatigue, stress, and a weakened immune system are the main predisposing factors that may reactivate shingles(6*). When the body is also undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy, such as in cancer treatment, the immune system becomes suppressed, thus paving the way for the virus to wake up from its dormant state(7*).
Shingles is a nervous system disease it affects the body's nerve cells(7*). Shingles initially start with non-specific symptoms, such as fever, malaise, and headache; however, the first herpes zoster-specific symptom is a pain on just one side of the body. The sensations describing this one-sided pain are numbing, aching, stinging, tingling, shooting, and throbbing, often punctuated by short “lightning bolt” pain(8*).
After about three days, the person will notice rashes starting to cover one side of their body. Remember that these outbreaks follow the nerve pathways so that it only appears unilaterally. These rashes start at the torso and then spread to other body parts, such as the face and the extremities.
The appearance of rashes typically looks like hives – red raised bumps. Later, the rashes develop into pus-filled blisters, and in about two to three weeks, they will begin to crust and form into scabs. Scarring may happen if the blisters are severe.
Antiviral medications often prescribed for patients with shingles include acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir(9*). Unfortunately, these medications do not entirely cure the disease; they only shorten the duration and lessen the severity of the symptoms. These medications are no longer effective if taken during the latter part of the disease, so make sure that you consult your doctor right away when you start feeling the symptoms.
Avoid scratching the rashes. Like chickenpox, shingles rashes can be very itchy, but scratching them will only increase the risk of infection and could lead to scarring. The use of oral or topical antihistamines may relieve itching and decrease inflammation(10*). Postherpetic neuralgia is the pain people feel with shingles after the rashes have gone through.
To speed up the crusting process, tap water compresses may help. These should be applied to new blisters for about 20 minutes daily. Aside from drying the blisters, these compresses can also soothe the itch, remove the scabs and decrease the risk of incurring secondary bacterial infections. However, watch out for excessive skin dryness, as continuous tap water compresses long after the blisters have crusted can make the skin dry and itchy.
Finally, nothing beats hygiene in trying to recover from a disease caused by microorganisms. Just washing the affected area with soap and water can help heal. You can also apply petroleum jelly to the rashes. Clothes should be loose enough to avoid rubbing against the rashes and making them itchier and more painful. To prevent further complications, do not expose yourself to ill people since your immune system is weak and cannot vigilantly defend your body.
Natural Treatment
Mangosteen has been identified as one of the top superfoods in the world. The mangosteen tree is a native of Southeast Asia. It is the fruit born from this tree that is creating all of the excitement. It has been used for centuries by the traditional healers of the area to treat several illnesses and diseases and as an anti-inflammatory painkiller.
Xanthones are natural substances found in the pericarp (rind) of the mangosteen fruit and possess antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties(24*). They may help cleanse the digestive tract, neutralize free radicals, support cartilage and joints, boost the immune system, and promote respiratory health.
There are over 56 varieties of xanthones(25*), and they all have different healing properties. The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of xanthones may eliminate your dependence on antibiotics for your infections. The xanthones' antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties make Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen the ideal alternative for your urinary tract infection.
Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules
What Is Freeze Dried?
At Natural Home Cures, we use the process of freeze drying because it’s the only way to take raw mangosteen and create a stable, nutritionally complete supplement(26*).
Freeze drying refers to taking biological material naturally high in water, freezing it, and extracting the ice from it. Freeze drying is the only process to preserve biological material without destroying the fruits’ or vegetables’ enzymes and nutrients(27*).
Natural Home Cures places the mangosteen in a temperature and pressure-controlled environment. The pressure is significantly lowered so that the ice in the mangosteen "sublimates" and turns from solid to liquid, bypassing the liquid phase. The result is a stable substance with a long shelf life that is lightweight and maintains its nutritional content. To understand how freeze-drying works, we need to explore how the relationship between temperature and pressure affects the states of water(28*).
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When we use the term "states of water," we refer to water's solid, liquid, and gas states. For example, water in its solid state is ice, water in its liquid form is water, and water in its gaseous form is steam.
Atmospheric pressure affects how long it takes for a substance to move through the various states of matter. As a rule, low temperatures and high pressures favor a solid state, while high temperatures and low pressures favor a gaseous state. But pressure can be manipulated to create a dramatic effect in phase change called sublimation. This is where water changes phases from a solid directly to a gas: If the pressure is sufficiently low, even in the absence of high heat, ice will sublimate.
Freeze-drying results in a pure supplement with all its nutrients intact. It also creates a lightweight supplement that drastically cuts shipping costs, adding savings. Finally, if you live a busy lifestyle, it’s much more convenient to take a few capsules vs. drink a glass of watered-down, full of preservatives and radiation mangosteen juice.
When choosing a mangosteen supplement, select one that provides all the health benefits you are paying for and one that only Natural Home Cures delivers. Natural Home Cures has been a global health and wellness mangosteen leader for 15 years.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin important for immune function, vision, and skin health. It is also an antioxidant that can help to reduce inflammation in the body.
One study found that patients with shingles who were given a high-dose vitamin A supplement had a faster resolution of skin lesions than those who received a placebo(50*). A study found that vitamin A supplementation was associated with a reduction in the duration of shingles-related pain(31*).
A 55-year-old male presents with a rash on his back and severe pain. He is diagnosed with shingles and is prescribed antiviral medication and pain medication. He is also advised to take a high-dose vitamin A supplement.
After one week of treatment, the patient reports that his pain has decreased, and the rash is beginning to heal. By the end of the second week, the rash has entirely resolved, and the patient is no longer experiencing pain(32*).
Magnesium is an essential mineral necessary for muscle, nerve, immune function, and bone health, and it can help reduce inflammation in the body.
One study found that patients with shingles who were given magnesium supplements significantly reduced pain compared to those who received a placebo(33*).
A 65-year-old male presents with a rash on his face and severe pain. He is diagnosed with shingles and is prescribed antiviral and pain medication. He is also advised to take a magnesium supplement.
After one week of treatment, the patient reports that his pain has decreased, and the rash is beginning to heal. By the end of the second week, the rash has entirely resolved, and the patient is no longer experiencing pain.
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and for producing energy from carbohydrates.
One study found that thiamine deficiency was associated with an increased risk of shingles outbreaks in older adults (Gilden et al., 2015)(34*). Thiamine supplementation may help to reduce the severity and duration of shingles-related pain by supporting nerve function and reducing inflammation (Gaby, 2000)(35*).
A 62-year-old female presents with a shingles outbreak on her abdomen and severe pain. She is diagnosed with shingles and is prescribed antiviral and pain medication. She is also advised to take a thiamine supplement.
After one week of treatment, the patient reports that her pain has decreased, and the rash is beginning to heal. By the end of the second week, the rash has entirely resolved, and the patient is no longer experiencing pain.
Vitamin B3, known as niacin, is essential in nerve function and energy production. It is involved in metabolizing carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and is necessary for producing ATP, the primary energy source for the body's cells. In addition, niacin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, which may be beneficial in managing the symptoms of shingles.
Research has suggested that niacin may help reduce the severity and duration of shingles-related pain. In a case report published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, a 68-year-old woman with shingles was treated with high-dose niacin therapy. The patient experienced a significant reduction in pain within 24 hours of starting the treatment, and her rash began to fade within 48 hours. After 10 days of treatment, the patient's symptoms had resolved entirely (Hoffer & Saul, 2009)(36*).
Another study published in the Journal of Neurological Sciences found that treatment with niacinamide reduced the frequency and severity of shingles-related pain in 29 patients (McCarty & DiNicolantonio, 2016)(37*).
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for producing red blood cells and maintaining nerve function.
Studies have shown that vitamin B12 deficiency may increase the risk of shingles outbreaks (Langan et al., 2015)(38*). Vitamin B12 supplementation may help reduce the severity and duration of shingles-related pain by supporting nerve function (Gaby, 2000)(39*).
An 80-year-old female presents with severe pain and a shingles outbreak on her back. She is diagnosed with shingles and is prescribed antiviral and pain medication. She is also advised to take a vitamin B12 supplement.
After one week of treatment, the patient reports that her pain has decreased, and the rash is beginning to heal. By the end of the second week, the rash has entirely resolved, and the patient is no longer experiencing pain.
Research has shown vitamin B12 may help manage the symptoms of shingles, particularly in preventing postherpetic neuralgia. In a randomized controlled trial published in Pain Medicine, 87 patients with acute shingles were treated with either high-dose vitamin B12 or a placebo for 12 weeks. The study found that the group receiving vitamin B12 had a significantly lower incidence of postherpetic neuralgia than the placebo group (Kanazi et al., 2011)(40*).
Iron is essential in many bodily processes, including producing red blood cells, immune system function, and wound healing. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and impaired immune function, making individuals more susceptible to infections such as shingles.
Research demonstrates that iron supplementation may be beneficial for individuals with shingles. In a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 60 patients with shingles were randomized to receive either iron supplementation or a placebo for six weeks. The group receiving iron had significantly lower levels of pain and inflammation than the placebo group and a faster healing time (Kumar et al., 2017)(41*).
A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that individuals with shingles had lower blood iron levels than healthy controls. The study suggested that iron deficiency may be a risk factor for shingles and that iron supplementation may benefit individuals with the condition (Chen et al., 2010)(42*).
A 55-year-old female presented to her healthcare provider with a painful rash on her back and chest that had been present for several days. The patient reported feeling fatigued and weak; her healthcare provider noted that she had pale skin and was experiencing shortness of breath. Blood tests revealed that the patient was anemic and had low iron levels.
The patient was diagnosed with shingles and prescribed antiviral and pain medication. In addition, she was advised to supplement with iron to address her anemia and improve her immune function. After four weeks of treatment, the patient reported significantly reduced pain and improved energy levels. The rash had begun to fade, and the patient could resume her daily activities without discomfort(43*).
Selenium is a trace mineral critical in immune function and antioxidant defense. It has been suggested that selenium deficiency may increase the risk of viral infections, including shingles.
A study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology found that individuals with shingles had significantly lower levels of selenium in their blood than healthy controls. The study also found that supplementing with selenium improved immune function and reduced the severity and duration of shingles-related pain (Cunha et al., 2016)(44*).
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Virology found that individuals with shingles who received selenium supplementation had higher levels of antiviral immune response than those who did not. The study suggested that selenium may help improve the immune response to the shingles virus (Gharehbaghian et al., 2013)(45*).
A 68-year-old male presented to his healthcare provider with a painful rash on his abdomen and back that had been present for several days. The patient reported feeling fatigued and had a history of chronic viral infections. Blood tests revealed that the patient had low levels of selenium.
The patient was diagnosed with shingles and prescribed antiviral and pain medication. In addition, he was advised to supplement with selenium to improve his immune function and reduce the severity of the infection. After six weeks of treatment, the patient reported significantly reduced pain and improved energy levels. The rash had begun to fade, and the patient could resume his daily activities without discomfort(46*).
Mangosteen Xanthones have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, making them a potential candidate for managing shingles symptoms.
A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that mangosteen xanthones exhibited antiviral activity against the herpes simplex virus, closely related to the varicella-zoster virus that causes shingles. The study also found that mangosteen xanthones had anti-inflammatory properties and reduced pain and inflammation in animal models of shingles (Chomnawang et al., 2009)(47*).
Another study published in the Journal of Natural Products found that mangosteen xanthones had potent antiviral activity against the varicella-zoster virus. The study suggested that mangosteen xanthones may be a promising natural treatment option for shingles (Kaewnarin et al., 2016)(48*).
A 45-year-old female presented to her healthcare provider with a painful rash on her neck and shoulder that had been present for several days. The patient reported feeling fatigued and had a history of recurrent shingles outbreaks. She had tried various medications and remedies in the past with limited success.
The patient was diagnosed with shingles and prescribed antiviral medication and pain medication. In addition, she was advised to try a supplement containing mangosteen xanthones to help reduce inflammation and pain. After three weeks of treatment, the patient reported significantly reduced pain and inflammation. The rash had begun to fade, and the patient could resume her daily activities without discomfort(49*).
Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops For Shingles Two Different Approaches Equal One Amazing Result In Helping You Address Your Shingles
As fantastic as our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen for addressing your Shingles; many of our clients have reported even greater results when they consume our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen along with our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium.
Just place the small sachet into 4 liters (4 quarts) of water or your favorite beverage and drink throughout the day. The drops contain bioavailable coral calcium, which will work to gently and effectively create an alkaline environment in your body. Maintaining an alkaline state is especially beneficial for those looking to boost their immune system.
In an acidic state, the immune system must continually work to repair tissue damaged from chronic inflammation(11*). Once our bioavailable coral calcium can shift the body into a more alkaline range, the inflammation caused by acidification will disappear, freeing up the immune system and effectively boosting its ability to fight shingles(12*).
Aside from the benefit of an alkaline body, bioavailable coral calcium also provides a host of trace minerals to support immune function: iodine, magnesium, selenium, and zinc(13*).
Zinc has been extensively studied for its link to immune function. Those deficient in zinc have a greater chance of developing a pathogen-related illness. Zinc plays a role in many immune functions, from creating infection-resistant solid cells to regulating the activities of lymphocytes(14*) (a type of immune cell).
Iodine is also essential for immune system health as it's needed to regulate the thyroid gland, and when your thyroid is not functioning properly, neither is your immune system.
Selenium is not required for proper immune functioning like iodine is. However, several studies have documented that consuming selenium significantly boosts immune function(15*); making selenium a potent antioxidant compound.
Magnesium is critical for proper immune function as it controls the inflammation response and triggers the mechanism responsible for cells that have reached the end of their life cycle or are malformed(16*). If you are recovering from shingles, Magnesium will help repair the nerve cells damaged by the virus(17*).
Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium offer a powerful way to boost your immune system through coral calcium and its trace minerals. One more ingredient added to our drops makes it an even better immune booster - Vitamin C, which neutralizes chlorine if you are drinking tap water.
Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant and immune booster. Any time the immune system has stressed, the level of Vitamin C drops considerably. Moreover, several studies have confirmed that Vitamin C can stop the replication of viruses. (National Library Of Medicine - Vitamin C Is an Essential Factor on the Antiviral Immune Responses.)
Now for a very limited time, Natural Home Cures has combined our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen and our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium into some First Time client packages you will want to take advantage of today!
I know that you have been conditioned to believe that anything that sounds too good to be true probably is, and with the number of scams on the Internet, I don't blame you for not trusting everything that has been written.
That is why Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules are also sold on Amazon. So you can always buy in confidence.
Full Disclosure and Transparency: You will always get a lower price, fresher product & more extended money-back guarantee when you purchase directly from our Natural Home Cures website.
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Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules Are Manufactured In A Fully Verified GMP (Good Manufacture Practice) & FDA (Food & Drug Administration) Registered Facility
Natural Home Cures takes Purity & Potency seriously & follows Good Manufacturing Practices, including testing for:
Purity & Potency (HPLC FTIR, HPTLC:) Does the company from which you buy your mangosteen own their farms (or offer daily tours), as Natural Home Cures does? Or. are they getting their mangosteen from a contract manufacturer, who gets it from a raw source vendor, who gets it from whoever offers them the best deal regardless of the Purity & Potency?
The easiest way to know if your mangosteen is Pure and Potent is to look on the product label to see if there are additives, fillers, colors, flavors, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, cinnamon, or cayenne pepper, which should never be found in a health and wellness product like mangosteen. As mangosteen is a superfood all on its own. See our product label below.
Natural Home Cures Is A Fully Transparent & Accountable Company
Natural Home Cures tests our Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules For:
Microbiology (Biolumix): testing for the aerobic bacterial count, yeast, mold, Salmonella, E. coli, and more.
Heavy Metals & Metal Assays (ICP-MS) include lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic, plus minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and more.
Full Transparency: Where other companies will tell you to take their word for it, Natural Home Cures proudly shows you this information.
Industry Regulations (FDA & FTC): Natural Home Cures complies with both Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines. These ensure that consumers can trust the label information and safety of our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules. All facets of supplement manufacturing, labeling, and marketing are covered by extensive regulations issued and enforced by the FDA and FTC.
For a limited time, Natural Home Cures has combined our Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen and Pure Alkaline Water Drops into some very packages that won't last long, so you will want to order today.
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