Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen - The Dirty Little Secret About Mangosteen
Thailand and the Philippines are the world's largest suppliers of mangosteen fruit(1*) and one of the most significant users of pesticides in the South Asia region(2*). Most pesticides are imported; 73% fall into the WHO hazard category I: Ia - extremely hazardous or Ib - highly hazardous. A further 33% are Category II - moderately hazardous(3*).
The three main insecticides used are the organophosphates monocrotophos(4*), methamidophos(5*), and methyl parathion(6*), all of which contain carcinogens(7*) and other pathogens(8*). Over time, human consumption of these pathogens could result in various deadly diseases(9*).
Before purchasing mangosteen juice or any other product, ask yourself this question: "How clean is my mangosteen?" The most nutritious part of the mangosteen is the pericarp (rind or skin) because of its rich xanthone content. Chemical pesticides sprayed on the mangosteen tree will end up on the fruit, especially the skin.
Determining how heavily sprayed the fruit is and what pesticides were used is often difficult because most companies get their pericarp from fruit canning companies. These companies can/bottle the pulp (white inner meat) and throw away the skin as "waste material," which is then swept off the floor and sold to companies looking for pericarp. Since these large canning companies purchase their fruits from many different farms, the quality of the pericarp will be inconsistent. The cleanliness of the factory floors is also a concern.
Since these large canning companies purchase their fruits from many different farms, the quality of the pericarp will be inconsistent. The cleanliness of the factory floors is also a concern.
Natural Home Cures Mangosteen - 100% High Quality, Clean & Chemical Free.
Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen offers 100%, High Quality, Clean, and Chemical Free Mangosteen. We pride ourselves on it! Why would anyone market a product that does not maintain quality standards from harvesting to the end consumable product?
Our Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen is grown on one large mangosteen farm in Thailand. It's grown without chemicals (no pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers). The mangosteen and its pericarp are processed with cleanliness in mind.
Although our product is not labeled organic because the fields haven't been certified by a US organic certifying agency, as our farms are not within the United States, they are certified by BCS Oko-Garantie(10*).
This means that they meet the inspection and applied inspection and control procedures of the Japanese Agricultural Standard of Organic Agricultural Products (JAS) of the Japanese Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF).
The Japanese organic standards are very similar to those of the United States (and stricter in some areas)(11*). With our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Mangosteen, you can rest assured that no pesticides are sprayed on the pericarp and that the processing of our mangosteen is of the highest quality.
So, the next time you think about purchasing your mangosteen juice, or any other mangosteen for that matter, ask yourself this question: "Does the mangosteen I'm consuming come with any dirty little secrets?"
Source References
(1) Food and Fertilizer Technology Center: Research & Development System in Thailand
(2) DW.com: South Asia Rethinks Pesticides
(3) World Health Organization: Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard
(4) FAO: Monocrotophos
(5) Toxipedia: Methamidophos
(6) Cornell University: Methyl Parthion
(7) American Cancer Society: Known & Probable Human Carcinogens
(8) Science Daily: Pathogen
(9) Wikipedia: Foodborne Illness
(10) BCS: Organic
(11) MAFF: Ministry Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries